Monday, August 06, 2007

here we go again

yes, that's an upside down chair. and yes, this is (my 3rd attempt at) a blog. gone are all the old sappy poems, open letters to oprah and jason mraz, and bitching about how much my feet hurt; here is my renewed effort at putting something interesting out into the blog-o-world. it's bigger, it's prettier, it's melissa... with upside down chairs!

i also figured that there's no time like the present to start this old beast up again, seeing as in a month i'll be off on the road to europe for the first time ever. i'm thinking that the trip will make for intersting posts, pictures, and scary stories about how i got lost in the florence train station and found my way out the other side. i'm absolutely terrified to go but am also ridiculously excited about fulfilling this, my longest dream. first order of business: prepare myself for the terrifying seven-and-a-half hour flight by practising my yoga breaths and visiting my doctor for some valium.

oh, i haven't mentioned my deathly fear of flying? well, then, come along with me as i prepare to go on this trip of a lifetime (long hours of work! dirty hostels! no air conditioning!) and see what adventures wait for me along the way (you mean there aren't american-style toilets? well, then. i guess i'm just not going to the bathroom. ever.).

whatever is out there, i promise i'll make it interesting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

omigosh! i remember you talking about your feet and then we went to jason mraz and i love bella and sophia.

xoxo dan