Today the road trip moves north from San Diego to LA. After de-glitterizing ourselves and peeling off the spandex, Cheryl, Rikki and I piled into the car for the 2 hour drive to Hollywoodland. It was a fun ride full of good tunes and good laughs. Did you know that Rikki can fly like the wind? 'Cause she can. And, for the record, it makes me laugh so hard I cry.
Did you know that the only thing as good as seeing Jason Mraz in San Diego on Halloween is seeing Jason Mraz in LA the day after Halloween? He played to a sold-out 5800 capacity Greek Theatre, and it was one of my absolutely favourite shows (he played Bella Luna and I STILL loved it, that's how much fun it was). We had pit tickets, so there were only about 100 of us crowding the area around the stage. It felt more intimate than any other concert J concert I've been to (well, except for our LRCs... you can't really get more intimate than our living room...), and yet it was the largest crowd.
If you've ever been to a J concert with our crew you know that we have a lot of coordinated dance moves. We do it because they are fun and because we like to piss off the aggressive teenagers behind us by blocking their camera shots. Unbeknownst to us at the time, however, a few celebrities were in attendence at the show (David Archuletta + family, for one) and were probably wondering what and the fuck we were doing. Or thought we were groupies (it's called SUPERFANS, people. Groupies sleep with the band and we just....... make up dance moves at the shows. Ha!). Whatever, David Archuletta, you're just jealous because your biggest superfan is your DAD.
Anyways, it was a great show, capping off a great run of shows, and I had a blasty with my girls. Cheryl was off to Berkeley the next morning, Cat was off to New York, and Rikki and I were off to see Kyle Riabko humping onstage.
More on that (and my embarassing Kyle Riabko humping story) later.
Today is my last full day in LA and my heart is a little sad about it. I'm going to go drown my sorrows buying screenplays at Samuel French and then reading them at the beach.
No big deal. Beeeeeeeeach.
beautiful ladies!
and meliss, your hair is ADORBS!
J and I managed to get more intimate then in a my bed. ZING!
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