Step 2: Grab your camera.
Step 3: Head outside with your coworker for a photoshoot.
Step 4: Forget your gloves inside.
Step 5: Come up with a variety of inventive snow poses with coworker. Realize that none translate well to film.
Step 6: Kick the snow in anger and disgust; discover that this looks cool on film.
Step 7: Take 30 pictures of coworker kicking snow.
Step 8: Gloveless hands too frozen to continue clicking the shutter; switch with coworker and become the model.
Step 9: Realize you are not a model and so twirl in the snow over and over until she gives up trying to take your picture.
Step 10: Review photos from photoshoot. Take in the pasty skin, and sallow eyes and realize "put on make up" should have been Step 1.
Step 11: Head to Sephora to see what kind of free make up can be scored for Photoshoot Part Deux.
Step 12: Spend 45 minutes putting on free make up and $25 on the Cherry Bomb lipgloss from Clinique that you really liked and now cannot live without. (Note to stores: free sampling works!)
Step 13: Head out into blizzard again for Photoshoot Part Deux. The wind has picked up, however, and you can no longer see 2 feet in front of you.
Step 14: Duck into an alley; realize that it not only provides shelter from raging wind, but also perfect backdrop for Photoshoot Part Deux.
Step 15: Take many adorable photos.
Step 16: Run back to office at a rate of -60km/h. Wind too strong to walk so you go backwards.
Step 17: Freeze to death on the mean streets of Toronto, but because of the free Sephora make up that you scored, you make a beautiful corpse. All is right again in the world.

Happy snow day, friends!
PS Benjamin Button review will be up this weekend... I'm still not over my 30 minute sobbing breakdown at the end of the movie and need time to process.
Dude. That girl is stunning. And you're adorable. As ush.
it's not the lip gloss. it's all you, babe.
Haha I wish I was there.
- Janaki
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